An Energy Mentor Connects With Her Audience

Ghazal, a Farsi-speaking Energy Mentor, empowers low-level English students

The Empower Me team recently established an exciting new relationship with DIVERSEcity in Surrey, BC. Since then, one of Empower Me's Farsi-speaking Energy Mentors, Ghazal, delivered an exceptional workshop to low-level English students. These students were participating in beginner LINC classes (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada).

Ghazal harnessed the skills she developed while working as a teacher in Iran to connect with her audience; by varying her tone, asking questions, maintaining eye contact, and sharing personal stories, Ghazal inspired participants to share their own experiences. As a result, students not only learned new energy information but had a chance to practice their English while fostering new relationships.

Ghazal's ability to inspire a positive learning environment and encourage interaction was so impressive that a DiverseCity coordinator asked if Empower Me’s team members were professional LINC teachers. While delivering the Energy Savings workshop, Ghazal paid close attention to the audience, adapting her approach as needed to ensure her students understood the material.

“Their eyes showed they were confused,” she said reflecting on a few Dari-speaking (a language similar to Farsi) students. “Two times I translated,” Ghazal continued, describing how she helped bridge the language gap to ensure attendees derived value from the workshop. Ghazal was also joined by a new Empower Me Energy Mentor, Tetiana, who similarly supported Ukrainian and Russian-speaking students.

This workshop highlighted the role Empower Me plays in helping newcomers improve their English skills through LINC classes. While many Empower Me workshops are delivered in-language, offering translation support to low-level English speakers can help immigrants and newcomers acquire the right terminology to seek additional support, purchase energy-saving devices, and integrate within their communities. Since delivering this workshop, DIVERSEcity has invited Empower Me to deliver a Being Safe at Home workshop.

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